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Microneedling / Skin-needling treatment is one of the most common procedures at The Klinic for its high safety profile with all skin types and at different ages.

How does Microneedling work?

During the procedure Microchannels are created in the skin. These micro channels does not damage the skin, but makes the body respond as if there is actual injury. This stimulates inflammatory response with release of growth factors and stimulate collagen production.


How can Microneedlong affect my skin?

Microneedling improves large pores, acne scars, melasma, dark spots.

It boosts both collagen and elastin production, as the body produces less of both as we age. Also, it reduces fine wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture.


What are the advantages of Microneedling?

  • Very safe for all skin types.
  • Safe for young age patients who experience skin problems.
  • Short downtime (1 – 3 days) after the treatment.
  • Maximum absorption of all products that are put on the skin after the procedure.
  • No side effects if done properly by a professional doctor.

How many treatments do I need?

We recommend 2 – 4 successive treatments for acne scars and dark spots, while one treatment at 2 month interval for rejuvenation and fine lines.

It can be done alone or with platelet rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood to give even more collagen stimulation.

At The Klinic. We will assess your condition on an individual basis and tell you what can be most effective for your skin.

Is Microneedling suitable for Acne scars?

Microneedling is considered one of the best procedures for depressed acne scars due to its collagen-inducing effects. 

It is safe for young patients who experience these types of acne scars and in all skin types including dark skin tone.


What should i put on my face after the session ?

Special creams and instructions to be followed for first 3 – 5 days after treatment, then you will be back to your daily skin routine.

No Make-up is allowed for first 3 days following treatment.

What to expect just after the treatment session ?

You will experience some redness immediately following the treatment, but once it subsides, you’ll notice a glowy complexion of the skin.

Who is not a good candidate for Microneedling ?

While Microneedling is a safe, on-invasive treatment, it is NOT recommended in:

  • People with active infection at time of procedure.
  • People with Keloid or scarring tendency.
  • People with “Rosacea” affecting their face.
  • People on anticoagulant medications.
  • People with history of Skin cancer.

At the Klinic, we take full history and assess your condition before performing any treatment.

At the Klinic, We will give you all the advice you need.

Please call The Klinic if you have any questions or concerns at 002-01004005465 or 002-01149918851
(Daily from 10 am – 4 pm except Fridays & Sundays)