Mounir William
Consultant of Dermatology & Laser therapy
Consultant of Venereology, Andrology & Infertility

European Board of Dermatology & Venereology
M.Sc of Dermatology & Venereology
Dip. of Laser Applications
Dip. of Clinical Nutrition

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What You need to know about The Klinic
The Klinic has a unique style of care. Our consultants work together to care for patients and provide high-quality affordable care to each patient.

Patient Privacy
The privacy of your medical information is important to us. We keep your health information private as part of our Doctor - Patient Relationship.

Cosmetic Procedures
We have a variety of cosmetic options to help you restore your youthful appearance. Choosing the right procedure for you depends upon your goals and our Experts’ opinion.

Surgery Preparation
A pre-operative physical examination, cardiac evaluation and appropriate laboratory tests are generally performed to ensure that a patient is healthy enough to safely undergo anesthesia and surgery.